Ethical Background


We are working to help fight poverty through fair trade. To us, this means sourcing through small suppliers who offer their employees fair wages, treat them with respect, and provide safe working conditions, employing only those of appropriate working age. Currently, we work with five Kenyan suppliers, stimulating their local economies and providing jobs to the men and women in these communities.

We try to be as good to our suppliers as they are to us. We pride ourselves on always paying our bills and deposits on time to give these small suppliers a consistent stream of revenue.  


Through our production processes, we try to avoid airfreight whenever possible, minimising our company's carbon footprint. Our packaging is reviewed regularly as we strive to create as little waste possible when sending our goods.

In our Aspiga head office, we also recycle as much of our waste as possible. We are on a mission to create a zero-plastic office, encouraging all of our employees to use non-disposable drink containers, thus, minimising the waste our office puts out.

We have just introduced a line of eco-friendly products, striving to share in an environmentally conscious mindset with our customers. So far, we have introduced reusable snack bags, coffee cups, water bottles, and portable bamboo cutlery. We are excited to expand this product line and help our customers join us on a mission to be good to the planet.


All of our beaded sandals, belts, and Kikoy towels are handmade in Kenya. Because of the artistry that goes into hand making each one of these products, we can ensure that you are receiving unique goods that are not mass marketed.

Our director, Lucy Macnamara, fell in love with the craftsmanship of Kenya. By continuing to source our goods through traditional production techniques, we hope to pass this love along to you!


In Kenya, we strive to make an impact beyond business by collaborating with a wonderful children’s orphanage called Restart Africa. Their mission is to rescue and care for homeless children in Gilgil as well as uplift and empower communities through work opportunities.

We have established a sustainable collaboration with Restart Africa, providing work opportunities to their Sanata Women’s Group. The Sanata Women’s Group (SWG) was set up in 2009 with the aim of employing and empowering the women of Gilgil by utilising their fine needlework and artistic skills. When it was started, around 45 women were recruited by word of mouth. They were given extra training to develop their skills, and now, six years later, around 30 women are recruited on a regular basis. These women are given independence and security in a town with limited opportunities. Check out our Naisha Soft Sole Sandals which are produced by the SWG. All of the profits made through this project go to fund Restart Africa.

We strive to do business in a more enlightened way and to act in an ethical manner, by paying our suppliers fair prices and paying them on time. We ask our suppliers to pay their staff fair wages, provide safe working conditions, treat their employees with respect, and not employ people under the minimum working age.