With Love In the Time of Corona - April 2020, Week 3

Right now, more than ever, I think we are all realising the impact we, as humans, have had/are having on the planet; now we have time to look around and experience the beauty of nature and the lack of planes and cars. Maybe it’s the planets way of telling us to all stop for a while, rethink and reset some of our actions that are having a negative impact on our world.

I am very conscious that fashion is one of the most environmentally damaging industries, which is why at Aspiga we are 100% committed to being as sustainable and responsible as possible and why we will continue to strive to improve where ever possible. Here are some of the ways we have changed over the last 12 months and we won’t be stopping here...

Cleaning the beaches in Kenya

The Aspiga Beach Clean-Up Campaign started in 2019 after I visited the beaches of Kenya and was horrified at the amount of plastic pollution. For every pair of Kenyan sandals sold, we will pick up a basket of plastic from the beaches in Kenya. We have now completed four beach clean-ups between Malindi Beach and Marine Park

Lockdown digital and virtual tips

The Design Museum has a great Digital Calendar going on, including:

For the Young: whether you are home-schooling, or simply after some creative fun to fill the afternoon, check out the museum’s family and school resources and bring the design to life.

Upskill: with free learning sessions for adults including fashion starter packs and lunchtime sketching with leading architects.

Listen to: the Museum’s Director, Tim Marlow in conversation with a wide range of familiar faces from the world of design, fashion and architecture.



I am lucky enough to have a small garden where I live and have actually had some time to get out into it.

I’m a bit of a novice so I’m loving Aspiga customer @sashinthegarden on Instagram. Great clips of Sash in her greenhouse and garden explaining how to do everything from plant veg seeds to making compost with masses of fantastic gardening tips and advice.


Blogs and Websites

I've gotten back into reading blogs and these two are written by friends and fun to follow, both are well written and offer short and interesting reads:

- https://www.thejproject.co.uk/allblogposts

- https://www.reboothealth.co.uk/

The Jproject is a weekly experiment on how to release anxiety and get happier, whilst Reboot Health offers inspiring fortnightly doses of holistic DIY health advice. Also, author Sara Davenport's new book , Reboot Your Brain is a must read for anyone worried about losing their mind...

As we all settle in for another few weeks of lockdown, I am personally finding it amazing, that what seemed would be so difficult a few weeks ago has quickly become the norm and how we are changing habits to adapt. I am loving living life in a different gear and I hope you too are too!
Keep safe and enjoy the sunshine.

Love Lucy,