It has been a while since I last wrote an Aspiga news update. So much has happened and I can’t believe that Winter is now behind us and Spring is very much here. However, much as the days are getting longer and brighter, since February our attention has been focused on the dark and truly shocking events in Ukraine, and the human catastrophe that has ensued. Our hearts go out to all those affected, in particular the mothers and children who have had to leave their homes, husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons and, in many cases, country, to seek safety.
We felt compelled to try and help, so on three dates in March – International Women’s Day, World Water Day, and Mother’s Day – we donated 10% of proceeds of sales to the British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal along with Water Harvest Charity. More fund-raising initiatives to come. We hope and pray that there will be a peaceful resolution soon.
We’ve had an extremely busy winter with the launch of our first AW collection, three new shops opening this Spring and being able to dust off the passport and travel again.