What frightening times we are all going through. As many have said before; "in adversity, so much good also comes."
I think we have all been bowled over by the acts of kindness shown by so many, how communities have come together and the fact that we are all appreciating the little things in life more.
I wanted to give you an April update including where Aspiga is, and a few ideas to keep you going while we are all in lockdown/self-isolation.
It is business as usual for us, although this is a very difficult time as it couldn’t have come at the worst time of the year with such high stock levels. There has been a lot in the press about large companies cancelling big orders, we are trying to work with all of our suppliers to ensure we are all get through this period, and paying our Kenyan artisans in advance to ensure their staff are ok.
We want to say a big thank you to all NHS workers: our heroes, including all those working on the front line; the cleaners and support staff that are ensuring hospitals can carry on.